Miasto i Gmina Gniew

Treść strony

Evangelical Church

Once, at the present site of the square located on the eastern side of the town hall, there was an Evangelical Church. Work on its construction began in the second decade of the XIX century. Earlier, residents of the evangelical religion has to settle for the room located in the building of the old town hall.

On May 3, 1818, pastor Teodor Gutt laid the coal stone under the new temple, and he hid information in a metal box concerning the sponsors and circumstances of the rise of the new house of prayer. After five years, the construction has been completed. On August 3, 1823 took place the solemn dedication of the temple.

The cost of the elevation of the church amounted to 16.751 crowns 15 cents. The building was plastered and has narrow arched windows, most probably inspired by the Gothic buildings of the medieval period. The narrow tower, flattened on top, has proudly dominated over the market.

The church served the religious needs of the evangelical church until 1945, later it became inactive.

In the years of 1955–1957 the temple has been demolished due to the poor technical condition.

Data publikacji: 2016-03-04 11:48
  • Nonexistent today evangelical church.
  • Evangelical Church


  • MAC

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[obiekt mapy] Lokalizacja urzędu na mapie
Fotokod - wizytówka Urzędu Miasta i Gminy Gniew

Urząd Miasta i Gminy Gniew
Plac Grunwaldzki 1, 83-140 Gniew
pon., wt., czw. 7.30-15.30
śr. 7.30-17.00
pt. 7.30-14.00
tel. 58 530 79 19;
fax 58 530 79 40
e-mail: sekretariat@gniew.pl
Gmina Gniew
NIP 593 10 05 516
REGON 191675296

Adres Elektronicznej Skrzynki Podawczej: /34gu04waml/skrytka

Referaty UMiG Gniew

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Data publikacji: 2015-09-03 15:11


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